Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013


In general, actors facilitation process is often called a facilitator. PNPM-MPd role in FK, District Facilitator (FasKab) and apparatus acts as a facilitator from outside the society, so that the community empowerment is understood as a companion. While Assistant FK, KD and all-PNPM actors MPd derived from the local community also serves as a facilitator serves as animator who at any given time ready to resign from his role and the Cadre memandirikan Empowerment. In order to carry out the functions and duties properly then a facilitator needs to be aware of and understand the four functions of a facilitator in the community are:

a. As Informant
It means that a facilitator must be able and ready to provide supporting information including that related to the program (PNPM-MPD). In this case a facilitator should be able to answer questions, provide reviews, overview and analysis to provide advice or advice of a concrete and realistic so you can easily apply

b. As a Teacher
Function as teachers are often required to help the public learn and understand new skills or knowledge in community empowerment and program implementation. As a facilitator should be able to deliver the required materials in accordance with the conditions and language that is easily digested by the public as well as adequate for easy step by step

c. As Mediataor

i.  Mediation potential
A facilitator is expected to help the public access the potential - potential that can support the development of her example: the private sector, universities, NGOs, market opportunities etc.
ii. Mediation various interests
A facilitator is also expected to act as if the person who can mediate between groups or individuals in the community there is a difference of interests. Keep in mind this does not mean that the function of the facilitator needs to decide but just need to remind people of the consistency of the various interests that have been made previously. Another meaning is to adjust the various interests to achieve a common goal. If necessary a biased facilitator helps the community by providing a variety of alternative agreements to adjust the various interests to achieve a common goal
iii. As stimulants or Challenger (Challenger)
Often found that people rarely know and recognize their own potential and capacity. For that a facilitator must be able to stimulate and encourage the public to find and recognize their own potential and capacity. So that people will be able to carry out various development activities independently. So that at a certain moment a facilitator should know when she works as an animator means that the public can fully functioning / independent in deciding everything without shadows - shadows intervention facilitators

To be able to perform the function - the function above, a facilitator should be equipped and has some capabilities include:
a. Leadership
A facilitator will also run in the leadership of society so it should have the capacity to guide, motivate, move at the same time acts as a mediator between citizens and other parties as necessary. Several attempts to do to improve leadership, among others:
·         With increasing knowledge through training
·         Educate yourself by reading books
·         Many draw or learn experience from outside (study tours, seminars - seminars)
·         Must be responsive, able to describe ideas - ideas, concepts and policies
·         Train yourself to think of creative, original thinking and always insightful visionary future
·         Hold and a big heart to accept criticism from outside

b. Communication Capabilities
Included in the communication skills required are:
  • Ability convey a message or information
Fluent and clear in conveying the messages, information, ideas or ideas (intervention information) to the community is a necessary condition of a facilitator in carrying out the process facilitation. With the ability to be able to explain why fasiliatsi and contribute to the community members and groups
  • Be an active listener
If a facilitator is able to be an active listener it is possible to know what is going on and sensitive to the feelings and emotions behind expressions conveyed by the word. It can be the basis for knowing what is going on and sensitive to the feelings and emotions behind expressions conveyed by those words. It can be the basis for knowing what is happening, how the bias occurred and what should be done
  • Asking effective and purposeful
By asking effectively will allow a facilitator to learn and understand what is happening and at the same time can give an understanding to be able to choose and find alternative action from
  • Ability in community development
Some capabilities are included in this group are:
• Know the issues - local issues
A facilitator needs to fully understand and appreciate the issues related to the empowerment that knows what to do and can be done by the community
• Identification Capabilities
The ability to identify potential problems, barriers and phenomena is the beginning and the provision of a facilitator in conducting and facilitating community empowerment. This capability is needed to approach the community to program (PNPM-MPD) optimal

• Ability Analysis
Through the analytical process a facilitator will be able to anticipate problems, find alternatives capable of completion as well as initiatives in an effort to empower
• Participatory Adaptation
Adjust to the conditions, expectations and characteristics of the community in PNPM-MPD is a very positive provision in facilitation. It is expected to provide benefits such as engagement and ownership from the public to the PNPM-MPD and can encourage the successful implementation of the program. On the other hand the existence of society as adults requires facilitators to engage their thoughts and actions as a contribution to the implementation of the program
• Positive minded forward
've Always been positive in many ways so it is not easy to get stuck in a position on any issue is partly - only partly based on the interests and momentary / short-term course, but everything dipandand in full based on the goals ahead
• The ability to act as an accumulation of technical skills
Often "with the word" alone to be sufficient because in some ways demanding proof. Likewise with the community, a facilitator needs to occasionally do something as a form of a statement for proof of courage and concern for community
• The ability of human relationships ("human relation ship")
A facilitator must have the capacity to foster a harmonious relationship with the community. Related to how it treats them with equality



a. Facilitation Model
There are a few steps as the capital of facilitation in the community are:
a)      Identification of target groups and the environment
b)      An initial process of facilitation is trying identifies communities including environmental conditions and potential as well as
c)      Process Facilitation
d)     Is a core activity of facilitation is helping people to realize their own existence, meendapatkan education, a cadre of development, self-organizing, being dynamic in the management development program in accordance with its vision
e)      iii Reflection results
f)       Which invites communities to measure and analyze step - the next strategic step in the empowerment program conducted

b. Facilitation Methods
In connection with the facilitation, there are two alternative methods used are:
i cycle structured experience
Facilitation process using this method emphasizes the importance of immediate and tangible experience of a facilitation process that consists of five different processes or stages yet inter-related to each other, namely:

Perform / Experienced
ü  Ie by inviting the public to experience / engage directly in an activity both at the level of seeing, observing and doing something in the process or activity PNPM-MPd. Based pengalaaman is what will be the starting point for further processing.
ü  The next process is to allow and encourage people to express and restate what he had experienced, including response and people's impression of the experience
Processing / analyzing
ü  Communities are invited to examine or treat all of these experiences, then connect it to other experiences that may contain biased or have conditions similar to those
ü  Is a logical continuation of the assessment experience is imperative to develop or formulate things - things that can provide benefits in the future. In other words this process is to try to generalize the experience. Furthermore helps society to formulate, elaborate and clarify the conditions, no appropriate experience
ü  Implementation is the final step to implement the conclusions of the experience you have had, is the recycling of this experience sometimes felt not complete before the new discoveries are made and new experiences which have given birth didaurkan back

Observations ii Visionary
ü  Measuring and mengahargai results
ü  Assist people to be able to measure and value the ability, the experience there as initial capital to continue the program next
Determining vision
ü  Assist people in determining the vision (driving sentence / provocative statement, parameters, indicators)
Manage the Program
ü  Assist people in managing their programs since the preparation of the social, the process of planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring up to its preservation
Measuring success
ü  Assist the communities to measure success refers to the vision, parameters and indicators that have been created by the people themselves


PNPM Kecamatan Sumbersuko
Facilitation is a word that describes a person's activities performed in a series of processes. Facilitation comes from the Latin word meaning Facilis ease. In some people often think the same between communication techniques with facilitation techniques. Though clearly has a different essence.

There are several definitions of words contained in the dictionary facilitation include:
• Freeing difficulties and obstacles and make it easy
• Reduce workload
• Help

So when adjusted for community empowerment in PNPM-MPd then Facilitation implies assist and strengthen communities and institutions in order to be able to develop themselves so as to meet their own needs in accordance with their potential in togetherness.

Why in PNPM-MPd necessary facilitation techniques?
To answer the question above, there are several reasons:

a. Working together with a group - community groups
The first and main reason of the need for facilitation techniques in PNPM-MPD is because we will be working together with groups - groups of people. They joined together with the carrying amount and the character of the individual mind to be able to bring a synergy that brings the productive relationship between them. Then with the appropriate facilitation techniques, a facilitator will be able to create a synergistic group, effectively and create a comfortable environment so that members of the group find common ground and agreement of thought and action to achieve common goals

b. Involving adults
Society and actors involved in PNPM-MPD is an adult who has a personality and self-concept, rich practical experience and have a view on something that can directly be applied. Basically, an adult is not empty glass that we can easily pour or fill something into it. Changes in outlook and behavior that are expected to emerge through empowerment in PNPM-MPD, demanding interactive and participatory approach, so that is where the good facilitation techniques necessary and appropriate.

c. Ideas or opinions each person in the group has the meaning
In PNPM-MPd always encouraged that any ideas or opinions from the public and can be delivered diakomoditir proportionally. We also need to be sure that the idea or thought everybody would have a meaning. It required facilitation techniques to collect and direct the idea or thought to be something useful and meaningful to the common perception to be followed up later as a common property

d. Empowerment requires third party
Approach to empowerment in PNPM-MPd least for now, require the involvement of a third party, just call one of them is a district facilitator (FK). As FK is expected to take a role as a driver of the acceleration of empowerment. Besides, it also creates a process of integration between the demands of the program (PNPM-MPD) with the conditions, hopes and aspirations of the people. In order to achieve this it is necessary facilitation process or technique is good and right.